
happy new year! ... and goodbye 2010

- right hand raised -

I, Julie of  Nutkin and Nest, am ready to ring in the new year, 2011, with this updated blog design and a commitment to making my creativity known! For years now I've been endlessly inspired by so many blogs and have been just itching to be a part of the super cute-creative-fun-chic-smart-unique blog club (here's hoping that you're all as chill and fun as your blog posts make you out to be, and, of course, that I'm worthy)!

I have false-started blogging a few times, since it seemed awkward to put my ideas out there, worrying that I didn't have enough cash to make projects as cool as I would want, and thinking that it would take too much time away from my family. Also, I once complained to a friend that some blogs seem to stage "moments" for the sake of a good blog post, which would definitely be something that I couldn't stomach- living a contrived life for the sake of an audience...  She replied that having a blog inspires people to make more lemonade out of their lemons by making time to try new things, focusing on creativity and enrichment instead of just crossing things off of a list, or amping up a party or project or just day-to-day activities more than they normally might. And, that by having one of my own, it might just give me an extra boost to do more for my family and push my creativity instead of limiting me. From then on I realized that it was true, and that I'd make sure that this is exactly what having a blog would do for me- just keep me inspired to keep doing fun, creative, enriching things for my family, and to share with others.

This year might be a test of my perseverance, but undoubtedly will be a huge bonus for my creative juices. To start off with karma on my side, I would like to list my top ten favorite blogs to give credit where inspirational credit is due. These blogs harbor all or parts of what Nutkin and Nest is all about-  design, kids, decor, parties, family, photography, reading, generosity, style, color and the DIY attitude. In no particular order:
Making it Lovely 
Oh Joy!
Design Mom
Young House Love
Little Green Notebook
Amy Atlas
A Great Full Day
Jordan Ferney
How About Orange

P.S. - Thanks in advance to anyone who becomes an interested reader!!! Send me a note, I'd love to hear who you are and what you like about N & N.

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